Writers receive suggestions specific to the project they are currently working on, regardless of genre, and no matter if the story is in the germination phase, completed, or if the writer is stumped and slumped in the middle of the work. But we differ from other critiquing/editing services in that you have the luxury of choosing the mentor that best suits your needs. You may receive help from two, if not all three mentors, giving you the greatest amount of feedback for your money. Your choice!
When a novice writer receives guidance from a mentor, the feedback can often be overwhelming. We adjust our approach where the writer is comfortable, choosing to work on a few elements at a time. By working in small bites, writers are able to ask questions as they rewrite and receive suggestions from Lori, Cindy, and Ann while moving step-by-step through the process.
Just as doing a full critique on one’s entire project can be overwhelming, so can the financial part of it. At WRAMS, the client may pay for one consultation to consider all options and aspects of their project to work in a solitary fashion or pay in installments for mentorship and guidance while on their writing journey. The client may stop at any point in the process when feeling confident to move forward alone, or have Lori, Cindy, and/or Ann be there every step of the way until completion. Payments vary according to the need, but we will never move ahead without your approval. The ultimate goal, no matter the journey, is for the writer to have a completed project at the end. And then, if needed, your mentor can start the process to include final edits and prepare you to find an agent, and ultimately, a publisher.
To get started with your mentoring/coaching email us at [email protected] and include in the email what kind of help you are looking for. You will then receive an email response to schedule either a phone call or an online chat to discuss expectations. It is during this FREE initial consultation that you get to know Cindy, Lori, and Ann and come up with plan of how to best assist you on your writing journey!